Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Goodbye Colorado- Hello Ohio

Our first & last ski trip in Colorado

It was great skiing and lots of fun

Boy do I love chocolate....and just about anything else you put on my tray!

Andrew is an eater and already eats more than his sister.

What a smile!

She's growing up too fast.

Andrew sticks his tongue out and pants, it's the sign for dog

He can now say Sadie's name

Other words include: Mama, Dada, Hot, Uh-Oh, & No

What a precious package!

Emily helping daddy with all the packing paper from our move

Emily & Andrew are starting to play with each other more.

Their favorite game to play together is chase.

Carrigan & Emily playing dress-up
Emily puts on dress up clothes at least one time a day!

Caleb & Andrew eating crackers
They had their crackers already & are now finishing their sisters!

We are getting settled in Findlay, but miss our friends in Colorado. Although we have lived here before, and are fortunate to have great friends here, it is still an adjustment. We are also loving having family close to visit & babysit! The grandparents watched the kids this past weekend while Jim and I went to a "Weekend to Remember"-marriage conference. It was fabulous and I'd recommend it highly!
We've been looking into preschools to send Emily to next year-
she's sooo excited.

Andrew has started walking. It is funny to see him walk around the corner & just grin at you because he's proud of himself. He love to chase Sadie around & sister too!

Jim is enjoying his job and I am getting plugged into a play group and bible study.
We pray you are all doing well.

God Bless,

Jim, Sara, Emily, & Andrew